Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wanna Drink? U over 25??

Just today morning (13th May 2010) was going through the newspaper when one article caught my attention. The article was regarding increasing the legal age for drinking liquor in Maharashtra from 21 to 25. I was becoming more and more shocked as I went on reading the article. There was no concrete reason mentioned as to why all of a sudden the government is deciding to increase the legal age. This age limit is highest in the world.

Though some one in the government mentions that there will be a drastic decrease in the number of accidents caused due to drunken driving, I do not buy that. This does not mean that people over 25 years are better drivers in that inebriated state. In a country where the age limit for voting is 18 and for a male to get married is 21, I do not understand why a person in 18 - 25 years age group should not be allowed to Drink.

Definitely Maharashtra government is not tackling the issue logically. The number of accidents wont come down by increasing the age limit for drinking. A better solution would have been decrease the time limit upto which alcohol can be served during nights (not a supporter of this though).

Hope the government will wake up and stop passing rules which does not make any sense. And if the rule still gets passed let us hope the other states wont blindly follow Maharashtra

1 comment:

  1. I will always support any law being passed which is an effort towards “stop drinking”.. Even if the law doesn't make any sense or is not logical..
    These days people are made to look like morons if they don’t drink.. They don’t seem to realize that drinking is bad.. :(
    I may sound stupid here, you never know because of this law some people might not turn out to be drunkards as these days at a very early age people are taken into driniking..

    Always felt drinking is a social evil.. It has ruined so many lives apart from their own life.
    Regarding drunken driving, it's an absolute nuisance.. The convicts should be given harshest of the punishments..
