Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kannada directors should bear the brunt.

I hear a lot of talk nowadays regarding how badly our kannada film artistes perform or have been performing over the years. Well I am not exactly trying to defend any one of them here. On the contrary even I, who usually avoid being a critic, cannot help but feel the same sentiments. Believe me I have had chances to go to some handful number of plays and I can tell you that I have never returned disappointed. When these unnamed actors can throw splendid performances, then why not these so called film actors?

I feel here that the actors are not the only people responsible for making us leave even before interval starts, but equally or more responsible are the directors of the movie themselves. They should face the music for handling and managing our actors so badly. It is their mistake that they portray our actors in such an immature and unprofessional manner.

It is usually the actors who become targets of open public criticism and ridicule, but not the directors who deserve them more. I have always been a firm believer that the kannada actors have all the potential in them to shine with their talents, but their talents are not fully harnessed or utilized by our directors.

One of the important ability of the director, is to convey the picture of a character he has in his mind, to the actor who is portraying it. If the director is not capable enough to do this then no matter who the actor is, he will always end up being confused. The comfort level of the actor acting the character should be such that he begins to believe himself to be that character. The actor begins to walk, laugh, and eat like the character. It is the director’s job to get the actor to that level. Only then the audience can understand what the director is trying to convey for which he is using the actors as a mere medium to reach and catch their attention. Once the actor fully understands his expectations from his director then he will definitely fit into the role much more comfortably.

I believe the poor performances should be attributed to the inexistence of this essential bond between the director and actor. Without this the film becomes devoid of any kind of emotion or feelings which in turn will fail to strike a chord within us. The present band of directors should go back to their good old theatrical days and relearn the practices that gave them that name and fame that they enjoy today. And if they are not from a theatrical background then it is the perfect time to seek the help of one.

Also I have noticed that the directors make a mistake of giving too much importance to one character. Usually it is the one played by the male or female lead depending on who is more famous. One bad character portrayal no matter how petty is enough to spoil the entire movie. It is shocking that the directors even at this level commit such silly mistakes.

It is a disappointing thing that the same directors when they make a play or even a tele-serial are able to connect with the audience, but once they get into the big and real business they falter. Being a big Kannada Movie fan I am putting my heart on my sleeve and praying with all hope that at least the next generation of directors will be able to get the best out of Kannada actors and come with films that will make every Kannadiga feel proud of his origin.


  1. Good article Gautam..
    I feel the problem with Kannada film industry is with producers who are scared to experiment and give chance to the really talented directors.
    Bollywood at a certain level has evolved from making formulaic movies to more experimental movies which has kinda worked with the multiplex audience..
    What we need is people to come out and watch unconventional movies rather than watching the movies based on the star cast..
    Nowadays Kannada movies have gone into slumps, absolutely no hope..
    Abhay Simha (IIFT product) seems to a promising talent.. Let's hope we get better movies.

  2. Superb analysis buddy. Directors like Puttanna Kanagal worked mostly with freshers and got the best out of them. Can't these directors work with professional full fledged actors and make a film talk?
